



We at FlavorDyn are dedicated to the mastery of food and beverage. From the artsy fartsy aspect of flavor profiles and mouthfeels, to Reynolds numbers and material science... with a healthy sprinkling of nutrition and dietary knowledge.

I work with the hospitality industry, craft brewers, nutritionists, and even private citizens, specializing in anything involving food, beverage, and/or fermentation. My services include, but are not limited to:

  • Custom beverage design, from beers like the World Beer Cup Gold Medal Winning Da' Yoopers Cherry Pie Ale to experimental workout drinks.

  • Opening a new brewery? I can help choose the correct equipment for your dream!

  • General beverage troubleshooting to help you perfect the drinks you already have.

  • Brewery or restaurant design consultation, to ensure you make the most of your space.

  • Recipe formulation, to create the perfect foods and beverages for your needs.

  • Specialty ingredient use and sourcing, to help you procure and utilize the correct ingredients.

  • Staff Training in every relevant discipline from brewing and QC panels to customer service.